Dear Santa Fe area forest friends,
Conservation scientist Dr. Dominick DellaSala is coming to Santa Fe to work with conservation organizations on a conservation alternative to the Santa Fe Mountains Project. This alternative will also be a template for other projects in dry forests — projects that are designed to help create conditions that allow for more moisture to be held into forest ecosystems, instead of landscapes being dried out by overly aggressive cutting and burning. This alternative is intended to protect the ecological integrity and viability of the Santa Fe Mountains forests, and also to protect nearby communities.
There is a charge of $20 for those who are not members of the Santa Fe Botanical Gardens, and $15 for members, which goes to the operations of the Botanical Gardens. You may register here. You can also pay at the door.
An Ecoregional Conservation Assessment for the Southern Rockies and Santa Fe Area
Dominick A. DellaSala, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist – Wild Heritage a Project of Earth Island Institute Berkeley, CA
The southern Rockies (including the Santa Fe subregion) contain vital levels of biodiversity, including many imperiled species, that are threatened by over development, inappropriate wildfire management, and accelerated climate change. Dr. DellaSala will present an ecoregional conservation assessment that uniquely blends conservation priorities – e.g., new protected area proposals – with community wildfire protection and climate change planning, using research from both the Southern Rockies and Mogollon Highlands. His findings have relevance to how the Forest Service is managing the region from the Santa Fe National Forest to the Southern Rockies.
Dr. Dominick A. DellaSala is Chief Scientist at Wild Heritage (www.wild-heritage.org), and former President of the Society for Conservation Biology, North America Section. He is an internationally renowned author of over 300 peer-reviewed papers and nine award-winning books that deal with forests, climate change, endangered species, and speaking truth to power. Dr. DellaSala has given plenary and keynote talks at academic conferences, the United Nations (UN) Earth Summit, and numerous international climate change and biodiversity summits. He has appeared in numerous national publications (e.g., National Geographic, Time Magazine, the NY Times) and on television programs (CNN, MSNBC, NPR). He served on the White House Council task forces on forests and the Oregon’s Global Warming Commission carbon task force.
Dominick is motivated by his work to leave a living planet for his two daughters, four grandkids and all those that follow.
Tuesday, September 24 11:00am – Noon
Members: $15.00 Not-Yet-Members: $20.00
Udall Building 2nd Floor Conference 725 Camino Lejo